In a message dated 4/2/05 11:57:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: > I am always hesitant about buying plants that might not do well in winters > with barely a frost. I looked up most of the names on the Web, it is > interesting that so few are mentioned widely--perhaps there will be more information > in specialized publications. > > Do you know if any of these come in earlier or later than Falconet? > February > Gold does OK here but seems sulky, it would be nice to have a fragrant and > happy performer early on, as well as something a bit later than Falconet. > Joe ~ Hot and wet (as opposed to hot and dry) Summer climates can be death on daffodils as the bulbs will frequently succumb to fusarium fungi in the soil during dormancy. There are some, however, that tend to be less sensitive to this than many. The best of these are the jonquils (RHS Division 7). They seem to do well even as far south as central Florida, as do many of the tazettas. 'Falconet' and the others mentioned are a blend of both species. The three groups of daffodils with notable fragrance are the true jonquils (RHS Division 7), the tazettas (RHS Division 8) and poeticus (Division 9). Your best bets would be selections from these three groups. Fortunately, they are also the groups containing the most fragrant daffodils. The downside (for you) is that most of these bloom in the latter half of daffodil season. The exception is the tazetta group which has many that bloom in late Fall through the Winter months, e.g., Paper Whites, 'Avalanche,' N. italicus, and others. You just won't find many fragrant sorts that bloom early in the season. Interestingly, and after having said all that, I spent much of my career working on projects along the Gulf Coast (oil and petrochemical businesses) and I would find many daffodils each Spring that were not supposed to grow in this climate. Yet, there were others, e.g., italicus, that are vigorous and reliable growers. So, a final bit of advice, is to try some of the other daffodils from the Dutch suppliers that are usually available in the Fall almost everywhere or from the popular catalogs. They tend to be inexpensive (a benefit) but are usually the same ones each year (the downside). The upside is that they are so inexpensive that one can readily afford to treat them (and other Spring-flowering bulbs, e.g., tulips) as annuals and enjoy them the following Spring. If you do happen to find a site suited to them, they can be perennial, even in the Deep South. A visit to the web site of the American Daffodil Society will provide you with many leads, both for information of all sorts, as well as suppliers. Best, Dave Karnstedt