Jane, You've mentioned several times about your bulb frame. Can you give a little more description? To me a "frame" is a small structure and I couldn't imagine a Delphinium blooming in it. I think of a cold frame type structure made from 2 x 12 or 1 x 12 with old window panes on top that are raised durung warm weather. I think this would work for a lot of your smaller bulbs, narcissus, romuleas, crocus, non hardy misc. things and such but not the taller things you have tlaked about. Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know. <G> John Ingram in L.A., CA. http://www.floralarchitecture.com/ check it out Floralartistry2000@yahoo.com 310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)