Kevin D. PreussDoug Westfall hyline@tampabay.rr.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach, CA > It has to be dry to get those temps or they will rot, if winters in green > house may even stay evergreen even though dry. > Doug's image is different from the 3 forms I have seen...there is much more > red on the tepals. Mine havbe only shown atinge of pink after a few days > old. One form gets a magenta almost purplish near the center. Is the > spidery one H. anazoldoii? I wonder many taxa out there that are part of > H.evansiae? > Kevin D. Preuss > > Kevin, That is a good question. Dennis Tsang mentions a form that is "spidery." We need more ijnput on that question. Mine showed more of the pink in the first 3 - 5 days. The picture as posted is what they look like today. Did you see the pictures of my Hipp. intiflorum? It is an orange-red. Doug