Dear all; My first bloom was the aptly named 'Early Scout' a fern leaf peony hybrid (P. tenuifolia), since followed by P. mlokosewitschii, 'Roselette' and a couple early Chinese Tree Peonies, P. tenuifolia and a host of others. Also starting up or done Iris stolonifera, I. iberica elegantissima, I. arenaria, I.flavissima, I. tigridia, I. sari and now the arilbreds (hybrids involving Oncocyclus species). Among 'true bulbs (now don't get started), Hyacinthus campanulatus is starting, Camassia (couple species) are in bud or blooming. Lilies of various sorts continue to pop up daily. The established Orienpets are monsters surpassing tree peonies and still going, new Asiapets are coming on strong and most Asiatics are well along. L. formosanum seem to be trailing the pack. "Leucojum aestivalis" is just past peak and a couple early Arisaema (A. serratum, A engleri, A. amurense) are up and blooming-other just poking and more showing no sign. Some of those 'who planted those' ornithogalums are blooming and I may be sorry. Dracunculus is up a couple of feet and few Arum sp are blooming already A. maculatum, A. orientale, A. rupicola and one or two others I need to research to find correct names. So an exciting time. I am try to soak this all up before leaving the garden in less than 24 hours for 2 weeks away (in W. China), but hope to make up for the absence here with good things to see there. Best and expect a quiet 2 weeks or more from me. Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +