Mary Sue, My Aristea luck was limited to A. major forms. I was never able to keep any of the other species alive after they sprouted (if they sprouted at all). As you said, they were from Silverhill so the reversed seasons might have had something to do with it. But, I have sold or lost all of my major blue forms. The largest one was planted as a 4" 3-4 leaf seedling in a client's garden. It is now nearly 3' tall and really doing well. It is in an area that doesn't really get a lot of regular water. It is outside the spray of the sprinklers but I am sure the roots can reach down far enough to get to what comes from around it. The leaves are slightly twisted (one or two turns each) and looks great. I have one other seedling, from the same seed batch, that is still only 6" tall. It was planted with the others (that I have lost) in a 6 pack. I think from what I have been told by Cameron McMaster that I have let them dry out too much as seedlings. I guess they want constant moisture. Not what I was expecting but good to know. Now, all the major pink seedlings I had left on the 6" compot that they were sprouted in. I lost quite a few, probably from crowding and drying out. I divided them out a month ago and planted several in a clump into 1 gallon pots. I hope that with the rains that we have had and the slight amount of shade they are in has done them good. They seem to be holding on as of last night when I looked at them. I am hoping that these will be worthy garden plants here as ecklonii (as you said) is so easy and reseeds everywhere. Seedlings are hard to transplant though. I've lost a good percentage trying. Maybe I didn't work with the proper moon schedule. Live and learn. John Ingram in L.A., CA. check it out 310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)