Joe ~ If you like 'Falconet,' you'll like several of the others in this class! Its siblings 'Hoopoe' (best grower), 'Radiant Gem' (deepest color), 'Mot Mot,' and 'Sparkling Tarts.' (good color). 'Bright Spangles' and 'Bright Spot' (a bit larger than the others), 'Castanets' (a x w/'Grand Soleil d'Or' that does better in milder climates), 'Explosion,' 'Martinette,' and 'Matador' (itself, the seed parent of these). In each of these hybrids, the delicious light fragrance of N. jonquilla carries through to them. In some cases, it is combined with the equally delightful perfume of N. tazetta from the other parent. I've found no one who objects to this fragrance, unlike that of N. papyraceous (Paperwhites), for example, which can be overpoweringly musky to many, particularly in a closed room where they may have been grown for Winter bloom. It's interesting to note that fragrance or, rather, the ability to detect same or be overpowered by it, is an odd genetic anomaly that may be peculiar to humans. The ability to enjoy or be repelled by fragrance is an individual difference. I never seem able to get enough of the tea rose fragrance of 'Fragrant Rose,' one of my very favorite daffodils. Yet, there are some who are unable to detect any fragrance at all! These tazetta x jonquil hybrids really do better in somewhat milder climates, although I did grow them in Minnesota (not normally thought of as having mild winters!!). Here, in Oregon, after two years down, these hybrids will be an aboslute bush of flowering stems. Any, or all of them will do very well for you in your climate and would be rewarding additions to your Springtime garden. 'Falconet,' while a fine example of these hybrids, has the somewhat annoying habit of being an overly rapid multiplier, necessitating frequent digging and dividing. Grant Mitsch, in addition to being a daffodil hybridizer and creator of most of these hybrids, was an amateur ornithologist who named many of his introductions after birds. That accounts for the odd names of several of these daffodils: Hoopoe is an old world bird, particularly African and Mot Mot is a South American bird related to the kingfishers. Dave Karnstedt Cascade Daffodils P. O. Box 237 Silverton, OR 97381-0237 email: