Fritillaria hybrids
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 20:21:58 PDT
Jane McGary writes re: Fritillaria hybrids:

>Anyway, I apologize if anyone has grown plants 
>from my garden seeds of Fritillaria purdyi and/or 
>Fritillaria biflora, and now has seedlings in flower 
>that don't look like what they are supposed to be. 

Hi Jane et al,

I've been wanting to post a message to this forum, regarding young bulbs that 
you sell.  Basically, I'm delighted by the chance to get young 
undersized-as-advertised bulbs for a great discount price... the subsequent success rate has 
been strong and I urge others to take advantage of the opportunity.  For 
example, I did receive Fritillaria biflora "grayana" from you; a dozen small 
bulblets.  Now, in their 3rd year, all sprouting frits look good, and four out of 
12 are budded up.  In a week or so I should be able to post images, and maybe 
you can tell me whether the seed hybridized or not!  

The Fritillaria pudica young bulbs you sold, for a very few $, have 
resurfaced every year looking bigger and stronger each year.  No blooms this year, the 
2nd or 3rd year, but there are 36 strong shoots in a small patch, so I have 
visions of a nice patch of dainty yellow bells one day.  I can wait.

Please keep offering young bulbs for sale... they do just fine and offer a 
terrific way to get some of the finest rare bulb species around, but for very 
reasonable $.  Also just starting into flower, again from your bulbs, is Frit. 
crassifolia kurdica.. a miniature gem.  I'm so pleased to have frits that keep 
coming back and doing well.

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
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