Hippeastrum evansiae

Douglas Westfall eagle85@flash.net
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 19:27:46 PDT
Tony AventDoug Westfall tony@plantdelights.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach,

> Doug:
> Has anyone planted Hipp. evansii outdoors in a cold temperate climate and
> if so, what temperatures has it endured?  We just planted one this spring
> and have our fingers crossed.
This was a seedling from S. Am. I cannot comment "authoritatively" as our
weather is not too cold. When it first arrived here, it stayed out in the
coldest that we had here and has never been under "protective" cover."
Having just spent a week in Tenn. and No. Carolina last week, I can say that
it would survive during the Spring and Summer. My "wild guess" is that it
may need protection in the Winter.

Is your's under a tree or a Rodadendron sp ? It is worth a try.  My
experience is that during the brightest/hottest part of the day, the flower
tends to "bow its head."  Later, when the sun is past, it "looks up" again.

Let me know your results.


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