Bulbs seeding around

Kenneth Hixson khixson@nu-world.com
Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:43:39 PDT
Hi, All:
         Jim mentions
>Chionodoxa luciliae and Scilla sibirica self-seed all over the place.

         Chionodoxa "lucilae" self seeds here also.  Scilla siberica doesn't.
I remade the Chionoscilla X Allenii cross, and it self seeds also.  I'm still
trying to figure out what my seedlings of this cross should be called, other
than mongrels--they're not X Allenii, and the seedlings aren't either-
Scilla bifolia seeds a little, not enough.  I wish Scilla tubergenii would set
seed--I'd like to have one that blooms after it gets out of the ground, 
of as or before it emerges.
         Cyclamen hederifolium, coum show up here and there.
         Galanthus regularly set seed pods, but not sure anything results.
         Narcissus bulbocodium set pods, again nothing seems to result.
         And no one mentions muscari--
Ken     Z7      West coast USA

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