Dear Jim and all; This got me thinking about hardy bulbs in colder climates seeding around AT ALL. I'd say fairly few hardy bulbs seed around. None in numbers that might be called weedy. Rarely even pulled out. For me it is fairly limited: Narcissus obvallaris (Tenby Daff) Eranthis hymalis Scilla siberica (but I have seen this a ground cover "weed" in a perfect spot nearby) Lilium formosanum Lilium lancifolium (fertile form, bulbils* too) Iris magnifica Iris lactea Pinellia pedatisecta (not other species) Allium (nothing comes to mind) just recalled a few A. zebdanense Lycoris -just found a few seedlings this spring Fritillaria (none) Tulips (none) might be something else. Anyone else in a cold climate experiencing self sown bulb seedlings? Personally I'd LIKE to have more things seed around. Looking for suggestions of hardy bulbs that are so inclined. Appreciate new candidates. Best Jim W. * A few things spread more easily by bulbils including most Pinellia, Tiger Lily, Ranunculus ficaria and surely something else. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +