Thanks Paige. I think this may be the same project, as they want very large numbers and we are contemplating whether or not to pursue growing for them. We tried to suggest that they be more flexible with species selection, but they seemed quite commited to the plant list/spec. We don't want to send lots of our bulbs up there to rot out in your climate, as it would be a waste as far as we are concerned. How much rainfall do you receive? -Nancy -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Pacific Rim Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 10:17 PM To: Pacific Bulb Society Subject: Fw: [pbs] Dichelostemma capitatum Hello, Nancy and all. We are in southern BC and have also been fielding calls about Dichelostemma capitatum. This is one of a number of plants native to parts south of BC -- mainly California -- that have been specified for a huge, expensive, flowering-roof project in Vancouver. Normally there is little call for D. capitatum here, because our climate doesn't suit it. Or anyway, that is my experience. Test plots have been set up for this huge project, however; I wonder if the specs will be revised. Paige Woodward > Greetings, > We have recently had a person from Southern British Columbia inquire > about whether or not Dichelostemma Capitatum would do well in their > climate (planted in the ground, not in pots). The climate at this site > is similar to Seattle, WA. Since this is out of Blue Dicks native > range and the rainfall is quite high, I am wondering if anyone living > up that way would share their > experience with growing this species in their garderns or meadows, and if > it > will naturalize or not,if you need to amend the soil for better drainage, > etc. > Thanks for any advice. > NANCY GILBERT > Grass Valley, California _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list