Yesterday I acquired a nice clump of a very full double-flowered Galanthus nivalis with very evenly disposed floral segments. Double-flowered Galanthus nivalis seem to vary a bit: some are full but very irregular, some are skimpy and very irregular and some are full and regular - to cite some of the possibilities. I've often wondered if growing conditions are not the main factor in causing these differences. The plants I just acquired came from a wet slick at the edge of an abandoned shrubbery - the sort of place where there is mud long after rains but which is dry in dry weather. I'm about to dig and rearrange the snowdrop plantings here, and am wondering if any of you can suggest snowdrop plantings in combination with other plants which you find especially attractive. One group of snowdrops is set to go under a beech tree in combination with Eranthis hyemalis. Ten other cultivars of which I have numerous plants I want to use in two opposite narrow borders where they will be very conspicuous when in bloom. In fact, I would like to plan for an eventual snowdrop garden, perhaps in the narrow borders of a 13' x30' space I call my sunk garden. The sunk garden planting will include Helleborus foetidus. How are others growing their snowdrops? Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the last of the snowdrops still show a bit of color but don't bear close inspection - and the first of "our" toads began to trill softly today.