Hippeastrum evansiae

Kevin D. Preuss hyline@tampabay.rr.com
Sat, 30 Apr 2005 07:30:08 PDT
I have grown it in Gainesville, FL (Zone 8A) in the partial shade of live
oak  (which probably kept frost crystals from settling on the foliage.  It
had temps as low as 26 F.
It has to be dry to  get those temps or they will rot, if winters in green
house may even stay evergreen even though dry.
Doug's image is different from the 3 forms I have seen...there is much more
red on  the tepals. Mine havbe only shown atinge of pink after a few days
old. One form gets a magenta almost purplish near the center.  Is the
spidery one H. anazoldoii?  I wonder many taxa out there that are part of
Kevin D. Preuss

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