Jim, Jim, et al, I guess I have more luck than most with self seeding. Alliums, such as A. gigantea, A. christophii and A. aflatunence, as well as what I believe to be A. rosenbachianum, seed relatively freely. Frits, such as F. persica and F. meleagris have produced seed regularly, along with F. imperialis, but I tend to sow them and then transplant, but a few do come up in the garden. The same with Arum maculatum, A. italicum and Arisaema triphyllum. Camassia are all over the pond edge, along with various Iris. Oh, and let's not forget the Nectaroscordum! I wish true lilies were like this! What Jim mentioned about fastidious gardening rings a bell with me! I do not do major clean-ups or overly cultivate the ground. I tend to allow litter to build in the shade garden and regularly mulch areas as compost becomes available. My laziness is rewarded with tons of volunteer seedling, which I allow to mature and then weed out the ratty numbers. I have some interesting Heuchera hybrids, as well as Aquilegias and Geraniums (like most of us). Jamie V. Cologne