There is a new oxalis forum. A question was asked about oxalis caprina. I informed the person of the posting on our PBS site and provided a link. The photos look very much like a specimen I received several years ago from the UK without a name. His response is a follows: Claude, the plant in your photo looks a lot like Oxalis incarnata, a South African species which is frequently found in old gardens here in England, it spreads quickly by means of bulbils produced in the leaf axils. Aaron When I checked my plant, I found small bulbils in the axils of the stem where the flowers originate. The plant also produces many small bulbs too. It is evergreen in my mild climate. It does best in the cooler winter months, but if I move it into the shade for the summer it continue to grow and flower making a very nice hanging basket. Comments or suggestions anyone? Claude Sweet San Diego, CA USA