Frits & Alliums in pots?
Thu, 15 May 2003 20:15:14 PDT
Sorry that I haven't had time to jump in and respond to this question.  

Alliums are quite growable in pots.  I prefer to grow all my plants outdoors 
in the ground, where soil temperature and moisture content are more even than 
in pots.  However, I've had good luck in pots too, with the exception of the 
"big ball" type of alliums... A. giganteum, karataviense, cristophii, etc., 
which are prone to rot in too small a pot and require very large pots due to 
their large bulb size and sensitivity to  excess moisture.

Currently the only Alliums that I grow in pots are potentially tender 
species, such as a half dozen Mexican species (at least one of which has 
proved hardy here over the past 6-7 years).  The tender Mediterranean species 
are also growable in pots, and in some years I've grown A. neapolitanum and 
roseum just to enjoy the spring bloom, but neither survives the winter here 
(never) when planted outdoors.

But if you want to try growing Alliums in pots, they're fairly easy and 
growable, and you're likely to have good success.  The most important risk is 
moisture content, and I have "boiled" enough bulbs in pots that are too moist 
during hot weather, so keep an eye on them during hot spells.  Similarly, 
during an Allium's resting period or dormancy, excess moisture can be a risk.

Mark McDonough        Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States    "New England"               USDA Zone 5
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