Pancratium dormancy question

Angelo Porcelli
Sat, 10 May 2003 00:46:09 PDT

I speak for the Italian species, P.maritimun and P.illyricum.
They come from two different habitats, as you know. The illyricum grows
inland (mainly in Sardinia and western Mediterranean) in rocky soils, sparse
woodlands area and gariga. This environment is quite dry and very hot in
summer. It flowers in April and goes dormant around now and it follows the
classim Mediterranean growth pattern.
The maritimum grows along all the sandy beaches in south of Italy. This is
evergreen-deciduous according on the water available, being a quite
opportunistic plant.
As they are deeply embedded in the sand (even 50cm), they have a more
costant level of moisture to the roots and usually they go dormant in
August, for a shor time, especially if an occasional (blessed!) summer
rainfall occours. Also flowering hasn't a well  defined time, but can occour
from late June to September and indeed the biggest bulbs send two scapes in
different times. I have found many times plants with a stalk with ripening
pods and a new emerging one, meaning a delay of a month or so.
I would say to all that, although the P.maritimum grows in pure sand, they
can be grown in normal garden soils and indeed mine grow even better,
flowering and setting seeds profusely. Also, if you keep them watered all
summer, they will stay evergreen, especially the seedlings. If instead water
in summer is a problem (for me it is !) then forget about them.


>I have questions regarding dornacy of Pancratium bulbs.
>I am growing the following species:
>P. canariensis, P. foetidum, P. illyricium, P. maritimum, P. parviflorum,
P. sp. from Jordan, P. zeylanicum #1 & zeylanicum #2 (different species) and
would appreciate any advice in growing these.
>Right now P. foetidum and P. illyricium seem like they want to go dormant
in the summer heat  and humidity.  P. canariensis and P. martimum seem
unsure,  Both P. zeylanicum acc.'s, although not the same species even
though labled such...,are in full growth and one will bloom soon.  Do some
of these (which ones?) typically grow on a mediterranean cycle?  Are any
truely evergreen?
>Thanks for any input!

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