> >Veltheimia bracteata is a favorite, too, but I have a horrible confession to >make - mine gets almost full sun, even in the summer. Nonetheless, it has >bloomed happily for me for two years now. It asks for a very short dormant >period, remaining nearly evergreen (dormant for about 1 month) as long as I >give it plenty to drink. > Jennifer, Nothing horrible about that confession. I never even knew until this discussion that it liked shade!! Mine gets year around sun on a north facing wall (southern hemisphere remember, so that is HOT) and it thrives like nothing else. Multiplies like mad, flowers well and I just love those wonderfully ruffled deep green leaves. These ones haven't seen much shade in their lives at all so it obviously doesn't mind the sun either. We had 40'C plus last year and it was in the full baking sun so it mustn't harm it when dormant either. Ours are sending up buds now which is out of season here, but we've had a very strange last 18 months as we have heat and record droughts etc. A lot of things are flowering strangely now so it isn't a surprise. Cheers. Paul Tyerman Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9 mailto:ptyerman@ozemail.com.au Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus, Cyrtanthus, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything else that doesn't move!!!!!