Myster bulbs Watsonia
David Fenwick (Fri, 30 May 2003 10:31:12 PDT)

Hi Anne Marie,
There is one easy one to identify amongst them… - Watsonia
'Ardern's White' for sure.

I think the others are likely to be hybrids, I've been trying to identify
the first on the list for some time.

Best Wishes,
Dave (Plymouth, UK)


David Fenwick
NCCPG National Collection of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe and Tulbaghia
The African Garden
96 Wasdale Gardens

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ann Marie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 5:57 PM
Subject: [pbs] Myster bulbs Watsonia

Thank you Mary Sue I think I've got it. I made my 1st entry into the wiki

this morning with Mary Sue's help.

Watsonia mystery bulbs. I've had these bulbs for a long time some several

years never knowing their names, because it didn't matter at the time, they
were just special to me. My mother's friends had given them to me when I
bought my 1st home (I'm into my 2nd now) and they said they have had them in
their gardens for over 50 years. But since I've joined this group I'm on a
quest to ID my garden. Photo 1 and 4 are tall, over 3.5 foot tall and photo
2 and 3 are dwarf under 3 ft tall. The org dwarf seems to multiply better
than the light pink dwarf. Both of the dwarfs I've had for 20 years. The
others maybe only 10 years. I live in Souther California, in the San Gabriel
Valley. Due to the weather here I only have to remove bulbs or any plant
for dividing. So some of these clump are getting big. If anyone has any
idea on their names I would love to now and give them the recognition they
deserve. Ann Marie Rametta.…………

Ann Marie Rametta

So. California, San Gabriel Valley, Zone 21 (Sunset Western Garden book)

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