Bulbs Made for Northeastern Shade

Judy Glattstein jglatt@ptd.net
Mon, 19 May 2003 16:03:50 PDT
My favorite 5, which is an order of magnitude too small:

Galanthus, as a harbinger of spring. I'll fudge a little, and say that as an
entry Galanthus needs must include a diversity of species: "common" nivalis,
larger and earlier elwesii, bright green leafed woronowii, and any others
you might happen to have available.

Arisaema, American and Asian. The deer do not eat them (but wild turkeys
might) and they provide an interesting/ bizarre/ unusual/ varied selection
for the shade.

Trillium - never found any I do not like, even if some are better than
others. Pedicellate or not, they are elegant additions to the spring garden.

Daffodils, simply because the options are to varied.

And lastly, if I really must restrict myself to 5, Arisarum proboscoideum,
because it amuses me.

Judy in New Jersey where gray clouds have at last given way to sunshine, so
many plants (and their care giver) are wilting.

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