pancratium dormancy questions

Kevin D. Preuss
Fri, 09 May 2003 11:45:27 PDT
I have questions regarding dornacy of Pancratium bulbs.  

I am growing the following species:
P. canariensis, P. foetidum, P. illyricium, P. maritimum, P. parviflorum, P. sp. from Jordan, P. zeylanicum #1 & zeylanicum #2 (different species) and would appreciate any advice in growing these.  

Right now P. foetidum and P. illyricium seem like they want to go dormant in the summer heat  and humidity.  P. canariensis and P. martimum seem unsure,  Both P. zeylanicum acc.'s, although not the same species even though labled such...,are in full growth and one will bloom soon.  Do some of these (which ones?) typically grow on a mediterranean cycle?  Are any truely evergreen?

Thanks for any input!
Kevin Preuss

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