Dichelostemma - TOW
Jamie (Fri, 30 May 2003 05:46:41 PDT)

Jamie Vande Cologne Germany Zone 8

OK, I confess to having given D. ida-maia and D. congestum a try, mainly as my mothers name is Ida-Mai, and, let's be honest, it's a fascinating flower with great colour contrast, D. congestum was a bit ho-hum for me. To cut to the quick, neither species did well and slowly faded from the garden (maybe not so slowly, bloomed, grew weakly, disappeared!) I believe the problem was other plants putting them in shadow in the afternoon, which is the hottest and therefore the best bake period. I have it in the back of my head to try again in a raised, full-sun spot on the rockery, near the Brodieas, which love it there.. I may see about finding PINK DIAMOND, as well. Do we know if it is true from seed, or does one get hybrid swarms? Is it even self-fertile? I, like many of us in the group, take a great deal of pleasure in raising from seed. Takes longer, but it's certainly food for the soul, not to mention the achieved biodiversity.


J. V.