Pacific BX 27: Repeat posting

Dell Sherk
Mon, 26 May 2003 05:57:14 PDT
Dear All,

    The above-mentioned BX is still available. Contact me privately
<> if you are interested.

From Marvin Ellenbecker:

1. Fresh seed of Hippeastrum papilio

From John Ingram:

2. Seed of Dierama 'Western Hills' select pink; recurring bloomer;
evergreen; flowered in fall and this spring.

From Doug Westfall:

3. Seed of Veltheimia capensis
4. Seed of Tulipa clusiana

From Marguerite English:

5. Small bulbs of Zephyranthes candida
6. Small bulbs of Zephyranthes 'San Carlos' form

Thank you Marvin, John, Doug, and Marguerite !!

Best wishes,

--Dell Sherk, Director, Pacific BX

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