Haemanthus montana

Mark Smyth mark@marksgardenplants.com
Sat, 09 Aug 2003 04:05:51 PDT
hi all

I very surprised by my Haemanthus montana seeds. 10 days after setting them on to compost they have rooted and each has a leaf about .5 inch high. As we are having a heat wave right now over the UK and most of Europe I covered the seeds with a layer of grit to protect the roots. Is this OK?

I hate to ask again but what now? Do I keep them growing for as long as possible?


Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:54 PM
Subject: Haemanthus montana

> hi all
> I have what I hope is Haemanthus montana. ? a large bulb producing a tall
> flower spike of white scented flowers. It has set seeds , one per ovary,
> which are now ripe. The ovaries have changed from green to almost clear as
> it breaks down and the seed can be pushed up and down inside. Two have
> become detached from the flower stalk. What now?
> I have some images I can email someone for a positive ID.
> thanks
> Mark
> N Ireland
> zone 8

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