Hi Jane, Thanksbe to generous family and kind friends at Christmas. With accumulated gift cards, I was able to buy the recently published 'The Genus Arisaema, A Monograph for Botanists and Nature Lovers, Guy and Liliane Gusman. I did a quick perusal by species name and found nothing. I also belong to the Arisaema list, a sub-group of the Aroid list. I will post your query there. Kind regards, Joyce Miller Thanks to Ernesto Sandoval, Curator at the Botanical Conservatory, UC/Davis and Dr. Ceni, I have two mature Arisaema: A. ringens and A. fargesii. Both bloomed this year. Big suckers! A. ringen at maturity will be 36" wide. I also have several pots of germinating A. thanks to their seed exchange. Joyce E. Miller mailto:onager@midtown.net Zone USDA 9A Summer highs 100+degrees F for several to many days. Winter lows 27 degrees F