PBS membership, volunteers

Marguerite English meenglis@cts.com
Wed, 06 Aug 2003 13:56:33 PDT
Dear members of the list:
     If you haven't yet joined the Pacific Bulb Society, you have been 
missing a good thing!    There have been several wonderful offerings lately 
with bulbs donated by members and distributed through the BX.   All society 
members (84, I think) have been sent all the issues of "The Bulb Garden" 
for this year, and a copy of our member list.  (If you have missed these, 
please let me know privately and I will take care of the problem in my 
'editor' role!)
    We are half-way through our second year.
     Every officer is a volunteer, and we are trying hard to keep up with 
everything, but we could surely use some help.    We need to find a 
membership director, assistants for Mary Sue, editorial assistants, someone 
to create and maintain a web-site, at the very least.   If you think we 
need another office that we haven't considered, please write to one of the 
board members listed below. We have an on-line board meeting once a 
quarter; otherwise each task is pretty much self-defined.    If you are a 
self-starter and would like to help us grow, please write to one of us!

Marguerite English,
Vice President, Advertising Chairperson and editor of "The Bulb Garden"
Pacific Bulb Society

For information and membership forms, view http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/

President: "Cathy Craig" <Batlette@cox.net>,
BX director:  "Dell Sherk" <dells@voicenet.com>,
Sec-Treasurer: "Jennifer Hildebrand" <TheOtherJen8@yahoo.com>,
List Administrator: "Mary Sue Ittner" <msittner@MCN.ORG>.               

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