Watsonia bulbifera (W. meriana)

John Bryan johnbryan@worldnet.att.net
Mon, 04 Aug 2003 08:08:21 PDT
Dear Lauw:
Just how hardy this species is I do not know. I would like to try some
in both Brittany and Normandy. Can I obtain some from you and have you
ship them there? In Brittany, where my garden recently won the prize as
the best new garden, I have places where it can go to town if it can
survive. do let me know. Cheers, John E. Bryan

Lauw Dejager wrote:
> Dear Bob,
>    Thanks for your note. I have got a stock here, but your posting
> assured me in refraining from putting it in my catalog. However last
> year August I noticed in Holland a field of one acre with Watsonia
> bulbifera, which they intend to put on the market soon. How and who can
> prevent them from doing so?
> Kind regards
> Lauw deJager  Bulb'Argence
> Bob Rutemoeller wrote:
>   For Watsonia bulbifera. Please be careful if you plant these out. At
>  > least along the northern California coast they are a serious invasive
>  > weed that multiplies in three different ways. Mary Sue and I could
>  > gather millions of cormlets this time of year along Highway One near
>  > Mendocino or at Salt Point State Park. But our friends in the local
>  > native plant society would put a reward on our heads if we did so to
>  > help distribute them.
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