Pacific BX 39

Ann Marie
Mon, 25 Aug 2003 07:59:01 PDT
Sorry to the group but I've tried several times to send this to dell but it won't go thru, id like from this box 
2.  Albuca batteriana is a large (4 to 5 inch diameter bulb), essentially
evergreen in California, although with a distinct summer dormancy.  Spring
flowering, with large off-white petals with a pronounced green stripe.

From Hamish Sloan:


3. Zephyranthes "Libra" Pale yellow, upright flower, fairly free flowering. Ann Marie Rametta, address on file.

Dell Sherk <> wrote:
Dear All,

The items listed below have been donated by PBS list members for
sharing. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me
PRIVATELY at . Include "BX 39" in the subject line.
Specify the NUMBERS of the items which you would like; do not specify
quantities. Availability is based on a first come, first served system.
When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find included with them a
statement of how much money (cash or check) you should send the PBS
treasurer to defray our costs for packing and first-class postage. It is a
good idea to include your snail mail address too, in case I don't already
have it.
Some of you are members of the PBS discussion forum but not members of
THE PBS. Consider joining the PBS so that you can take advantage of future
offers such as this. Go to our website: . Or
contact me at
If you would like to donate seeds or bulbs/corms to the PBS, please send
CLEAN, clearly labeled material to: Dell Sherk, PO Box 224, Holicong, PA,
18928, USA. Donors will receive credit on the BX for the cost of postage for
their donations.

From Tom Glavich:


1. Dracunculus vulgaris is a large aroid, spring growing, and fully dormant
by mid July. The leaves are tropical, about 18 inches to 2 feet tall. The
spathe is dark purple with some white blotching. It smells strongly of
rotting meat for the first 12 hours after opening, less so later.

2. Albuca batteriana is a large (4 to 5 inch diameter bulb), essentially
evergreen in California, although with a distinct summer dormancy. Spring
flowering, with large off-white petals with a pronounced green stripe.

From Hamish Sloan:


3. Zephyranthes "Libra" Pale yellow, upright flower, fairly free flowering.
4. Habranthus magnoi - white flowered trumpet shape, not reflexed petals.
5. Habranthus sp. ?

From Robert Parker:

6. Fresh seed of Iris spuria 'Imperial Bronze', Elinor McCown hybrid.

From Dell Sherk:

7. Seed of Galtonia candicans. Tall white summer blooming. Supposed to be
fragrant, but I could not detect it. Needs full sun. May be hardy to USDA
Zone 5. Sow spring.
8. Seed of Cyrtanthus mackenii var cooperi, bright yellow
9. Seed of Rhodophiala andicola, pale pink

From Richard Smith:

10. Seed of Bloomeria crocea
11. Seed of Brodiaea californica, pink

From Cynthia Mueller:

12. Seed of Alophia drummondii (NOT Herbertia lahue). Purple flowers,
pleated leaf. From arboretum at Stephen F. Austin Univ., Nogodoches, E.
Texas. Grows in sandy soil near bases of pine trees in clearings.

13. Seed of Crinum americanum, leaves are a little rather upright, light
green, tough enough to live out in what I would call a rather dry flower

From Kelly Irvin: (images of most can be viewed at Kelly's website:


14. Allium cernuum
15. Alstroemeria pulchella
16. Habranthus andersonii
17. H. brachyandrus
18. H. robustus
19. H. tubispathus - cream colored with maroon markings
20. Zephyranthes drummondii
21. Z. lindleyana

Thank you, Tom, Hamish, Robert, Richard, Cynthia, and Kelly !!

Best wishes,

--Dell Sherk, Director, Pacific BX

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