Arisaema TOW
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 19:32:33 PDT
A. tortuosum--one of the best in the genus, being also the largest (up to 7
feet!--over 2 m.) and having a 'comical' dark spadix-appendix that first
heads horizontal and then turns abruptly skyward!. Seems easy to grow,
setting seed and offsetting well. We also grow dracontium, negishii, and
heterophyllum, but we have not had them long enough to offer insights,
except to say that I am wondering whether heterophyllum will be reliably
hardy for us here is Z. 7

Actually, I've found Arisaema heterophyllum quite hardy here in nothern New 
England, USDA Zone 5.  Here's a link to the PBS Arisaema page... scroll down 
for the Arisaema heterophyllum photos.  This year my plant produced two 
flowering spikes, and set viable seed.  The plant grows 5' tall or more and is quite 

Mark McDonough        Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States    "New England"               USDA Zone 5
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