Hi Ann Marie and Angelo, In my experience the division of the bulbs helps in producing larger sized bulbs and eventually this results in increased numbers on flowers an umbel, but it has no effect on inducing an Amaryllis bulb to flower. In the southern dry inland parts of my state I have seen 120 year old grave plots with around 4 layers of Amaryllis belladonna filling the grave area, and given the right rainfall conditions they have hundreds of inflorescences. Last year we experienced the driest year on record - a drought throughout the eastern states of Australia, but in my area outside Sydney, the drought broke in the last month of summer (February) with a 6 inch down pour. I then had a field month photographing the marvellous flowerings of large clumps of Amaryllis - in areas and suburbs where in previous years one would at best see half a dozen inflorescences from a clump - but this year there were 30 to 50 inflorescences in flower in some garden clumps of Amaryllis. A friend who grows Amaryllis multiflora varieties in clay loam in full sun with half the bulbs exposed - (never divided) - and watered only by rainfall, commented to me that it was the best flowering he has ever experienced! I actually achieved the same result in my garden by heavily watering the Amaryllis clumps from mid summer - by heavy watering I mean drip watering each clump for a a whole day each fortnight during mid to late summer (one month). A dry hot summer followed by inundation is a reliable way of inducing a heavy Amaryllis flowering. Cheers Jim Lykos Springwood Australia Zone 9 Angelo Porcelli wrote: >I agree with Ann Marie, as my Amaryllis don't bloom anymore if the bulbs are pushed out of the soil from the new offsets. So I divide them every 3-4 years and I plant them rather deep 15cm (6") below soil level. Now all in full flowering ! > >Angelo Porcelli >...well roasted in south of Italy >_______________________________________________ >pbs mailing list >pbs@lists.ibiblio.org >http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > > >