I've had one plant of Mirabilis longiflora for years, raised from seed that came to me from Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's estate. (Now there was a president. How can you improve on someone who said that the best service one could do for one's country is discover a new plant of value. But I digress.) Of course in my New Jersey climate this American native from west Texas, Arizona and Mexico must be container grown. It has thick, substantial roots covered with rough "bark." I don't know what to call them - some kind of tuber? They are woody in texture, which I know from one year when it got accidentally sliced as it was being dug up. It prefers good drainage, sunshine, and not too much water. Scandant in growth, the lax stems are equally happy when they can scramble up an adjacent shrub or simply sprawl on the ground. After it accidentally got the chop that autumn, I grow it in a pot and provide a supporting framework of twigs as scaffolding. Softly downy heart-shaped medium green leaves make a modest covering, standing out from the stems on long petioles. In late summer the long-tubed small white flowers appear in clusters of three, each flower accented with violet stamens. Night blooming, it has a sweet fragrance. Winter storage is in my unheated, attached garage, where temperatures can drop to 38° Fahrenheit during cold spells. I used to dig in late autumn (when it was planted out) and pack it in a box, surrounded with dry peat moss. Now I just take it out of its pot and box it up with no packing material. My plant is at least 10 years old, perhaps a year or two more. Does anyone else grow this charming native? Has anyone seen it growing wild? Is anyone else interested in it? regards, Judy in New Jersey, where the sun came out yesterday, and neither the plants nor I knew what to make of it after so much rain.