Lycoris & Drought Part 2 - flower initiation

James Waddick
Thu, 21 Aug 2003 06:32:04 PDT
Dear Steve and all;
	Very interesting post. I don't have exactly as you 
have-watered-versus unwatered for comparison. We have had even more 
drought though so I think I can give other examples.

	I have a row of approximately 25 L. chinensis and 25 L. 
squamigera (not mixed). I get multiple stalks from each bulb 
regularly. So far this row has received only an occasional random 
hand sprinkling and produced only three (total) 4 inch stalks on L. 
squamigera, none on chinensis.

	In a slightly moister part of the garden, 2 small trees are 
surrounded by a ringed Lycoris bed again about 25 bulbs each of L. 
squamigera and L. caldwellii. The squamigera has produced about a 
dozen foot tall stalks and the caldwellii has produced none. I 
recently watered both so ... we shall see. L. caldwellii is a later 
bloomer so it might still catch up

	I am getting the same results as you if more extreme.

	L. squamigera is very common around the metro area and great 
clumps are in bloom in typical urban and suburban landscapes 
especially where the lawn is watered. Seems to be normal in size and 

	This sure suggests that water is not the prime 'key' to 
initiate bloom, and at a continuing high temp (over 100 for a week), 
the onset of cooler fall weather isn't likely either. So what 
initiates bloom in Lycoris? Some internal clock? A call from Alabama 
said they expect L. radiata to bloom on or by Sept 7 every year like 
the swallows returning to Capistrano.

	Earth's magnetic field? The moon's influence? Anyone's guess.

		Back to the drawing boards	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
E-fax  419-781-8594

Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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