Haemanthus montana

Douglas Westfall eagle85@flash.net
Sun, 10 Aug 2003 11:04:00 PDT
Mark SmythDoug Westfall mark@marksgardenplants.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long
Beach, CA

> hi all
> I very surprised by my Haemanthus montana seeds. 10 days after setting them on
> to compost they have rooted and each has a leaf about .5 inch high. As we are
> having a heat wave right now over the UK and most of Europe I covered the
> seeds with a layer of grit to protect the roots. Is this OK?
> I hate to ask again but what now? Do I keep them growing for as long as
> possible?
> Mark

That is the way that they "GROW."  Do keep them growing as long as you can.
They will go "dormant" later. Start watering them from the bottom with a 1/4
dilute solution of "general purpose"  liquid fertilizer. They should do

I planted some Haemanthus nortieri seeds just about 2 weeks before yours.
the leaves are now 8 - 9 cm long.

Good luck.

Doug Westfall

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