Bulbs that flower without leaes TOW

Alberto Castillo ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com
Tue, 05 Aug 2003 05:37:10 PDT
Hi Paul:
          Both forms of Leucojum autumnale come from different regions of 
the Mediterranean. It is the environment that prompted them to behave that 
way (lack of water I mean). I grow both forms and they behave exactly as 
described but during summer both go to sleep and have no leaves at all. This 
despite the fact that they are in the open in a raised bed and receive our 
year round rains.
I really wish they would invade my beds like Jane's! They grow well here but 
are not invasive.
Best regards

Charla con tus amigos en lĂ­nea mediante MSN Messenger: 

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