Hi Can someone tell me the natural growth pattern of Littonia modesta, and Sandersonia aurantiaca. I have seen the latter in the wild in South Africa, but not Littonia. The reason I ask is I grow these in pots on my south facing patio, with numerous other pot plants. A few weeks ago they both were given liquid feed, along with everything else, at about the time both were well into flower. Since then the Littonia has produced the expected large seed pods, but also extended it's stem by a further 18", and is still growing strongly. The Sandersonia has done the same but only by a few inches. Is it just my timely feeding that has given it a new lease of life, and might it flower again on this same stem, which is now ~8' long? Previously I have assumed it's season was over after flowering and slowly dried it off, but now, how long should I keep it growing? Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, UK, min -5C'ish, max 37C so far, but who knows any more.