Hi all, "Bryan Whyer wrote: Can someone tell me the natural growth pattern of Littonia modesta? ...since then the Littonia extended it's stem by a further 18", and is still growing strongly. Is it just my timely feeding that has given it a new lease of life, and might it flower again on this same stem, which is now ~8' long? Previously I have assumed it's season was over after flowering and slowly dried it off, but now, how long should I keep it growing?" I have been growing littonia modesta in a pot out behind the house, under shade, for 3 years now. Last year it came to make two new bulbs which I separated and replanted the whole lot into a larger (2 gal) plastic pot (I may repot as I think they are now over-potted). This year the stem only grew to about 3 ft, had one or two flowers, and produced no seed. But I was largely preoccupied getting the front landscape in this summer and everything out back got short shrfit. It probably didn't get regular water and certainly no fertilizer. However: last year when I was paying better attention, it grew to about 6 or 7 ft, flowered, continued growing another foot or two, flowered there, then grew another foot or so and flowered at the terminal. Last year it got a few waterings with a dilute liquid fertilizer and watered regularly while in growth. Also produced three seed pods, which I dutifully sent to Dell. Unless I am really too busy to pay attention to my watering (those years everything goes dorman early!), I water and occasionally feed everything as long as it looks green or yellow green, then will gradually reduce the water to nothing. So I'd say, yes your fertilizing helped, and keep watering it as long as it looks enthusiastic.