Watsonia bulbifera

John Bryan johnbryan@worldnet.att.net
Mon, 04 Aug 2003 07:44:09 PDT
Dear Bob:
Watsonia bulbifera is now W. meriana, I understand your concern, but
find it pleasant to see these flower along Highway 1. I notice these
seem to do well in shade, but seldom do I see them taller than some 36
inches. Perhaps they are natural hybrids with the form known previously
as W. coccinea which is much shorter in height. I wonder when they
started to go "native". Cheers, John E. Bryan

Bob Rutemoeller wrote:
> Dear All,
> For Watsonia bulbifera. Please be careful if you plant these out. At least
> along the northern California coast they are a serious invasive weed that
> multiplies in three different ways. Mary Sue and I could gather millions of
> cormlets this time of year along Highway One near Mendocino or at Salt
> Point State Park. But our friends in the local native plant society would
> put a reward on our heads if we did so to help distribute them.
> Bob R
> Honorary Bulbs Anonymous Enabler
> At 06:25 PM 8/3/03 -0400, you wrote:
> >8. Cormlets of Watsonia bulbifera. Small Watsonia, reddish orange flowers.
> >Summer dormant.
> Bob Rutemoeller
> brutem@mcn.org
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