Topic of the Week - Eucomis Eucomis are a small genus of 11 species that belong to the Hyacinthaceae, 10 species of which, come from South Africa, the other species; Eucomis zambesiaca, coming from highland regions of Malawi. First introduced into cultivation in the UK well over 200 years ago. Chromosome number 2n=15 or 16 (Darlington and Wylie, 1955). E. zambesiacea - a smaller species with brilliant white flowers on a spike approximately 30cm high, and rosette 45cm across. All are summer flowering with the exception of E. regia, which comes from the Cape region, and winter rainfall area. The South African species include- E. comosa var. comosa syn. E. punctata - shade tolerant and with a preference to moist soils, this species has long strap like leaves forming its rosette, leaf length approximately 60cm long, bearing flowers approx 90cm high. Many forms of this plant are in cultivation, and the leaves can be quite variable in colour, and from light green to a dark burgundy. Flowers usually white, but sometimes pinky, or purplish. E. comosa var. striata - leaf reverse striated purple, with spotted spike, smaller than many forms of E. comosa. Flowers to 40-60cm high, leaves smaller and more prostrate than comosa. A nice plant well worth growing. E. schijffii - dwarf species growing to approximately 35cm tall, forming a dumpy rosette; reverse of leaves maroon tinged, sometimes with rolled or curled edges, comes from high mountainous areas such as Sentinel Peak. E. autumnalis subsp. amaryllidifolia syn. E. amaryllidifolia - A rarer subspecies of the frequently grown E. autumnalis, produces reasonably thick ovate prostrate leaves in a rosette fashion, white flowers. E. autumnalis subsp. autumnalis syn. E. undulata - The most commonly cultivated form of E. autumnalis in the UK, forms a dense rosette of strap like leaves with undulating edges. White or white / green flowers on spikes around 60cm high. Flowers of this species may turn green on exposure to strong sunshine. E. autumnalis subsp. clavata syn. E. robusta - Can be found growing in open grassland or marshes covering quite a wide area of the Drakensberg, including Kwazulu-Natal and Lesotho, and can also be found at altitude on Sentinel Peak. White flowers and becoming more common in cultivation. E. bicolor - Plant forming a large rosette of wide leaves, to 75cm across, leaves spotted or unspotted on reverse. Flower height 60cm or so, produces large heads of flowers which are wider at the top, which are covered in a rosette of smaller bract like leaves, giving the species its pineapple appearance. The is also a white flowered form of this species, 'Alba', which is slightly smaller in proportion. E. montana - Yet another species I have not flowered yet, but the typical feature of the plants I have are in the length and width of the leaves which don't form a typical rosette here. Indeed, sometimes only two or three, long and wide, shiny, red edged leaves are produced on an annual basis. Something tells me I may be watering it too much. Superb foliage, leaves up to 60cm and 10cm wide. E. pole-evansii - The largest species of the genus, which in the wild prefers wetland habitats. However, it will grow in average garden soils, if regularly irrigated. Leaves over 1 meter long, wide at base tapering along their length, flowers to about 1.2m here. They make a very bold statement but it's a shame the spikes tend to bend over, thus they do sometimes need staking. E. humilis - A species I know nothing about as it's the only one I haven't seen. Apparently this small species has light green short dumpy leaves with a short dumpy spike of pinkish flowers. E. vandermewei - Dwarf species, with a small rosette of purple spotted leaves. Leaves of this species are approx 20cm long, pointed and slightly undulate at their edge. Short spike of purplish burgundy flowers. This species can be slightly variable in its markings. E. regia subsp. regia and E. regia subsp. pillansii - I don't think the latter is known in cultivation in the UK, and this is primarily because there are very few people that grow this winter flowering species. I must admit, it is a little tricky, it doesn't like being wet at all, and easily rots. It will also 'sleep' readily, and remain dormant and skip a year. I haven't flowered it yet here, but it produces what I would describe as spoon shaped light green leaves, which taper to their base. Perhaps someone can enlighten us more. Germination is easy, but seedlings have grown very slowly. The name Eucomis is derived from the Greek word Eukomos, meaning 'Beautifully Haired'. Their common name, to which they are referred 'the pineapple lily', is very well deserved. However, I'm often amazed at the number of people who when told their common name, go and smell them, and expect them to smell of pineapple as well. They then get quite an unpleasant surprise when they do as their smell can be quite unpleasant and often foetid, as they attract flies of various descriptions for their pollination, and I've noted green bottles, bluebottles, house flies and horse flies pollinating them. Growing around 50 forms though has not yet upset my wife, and it would seem that the flies, which might have once come into the house now prefer to stay outside. All the above species I have found to be hardy to at least -5C, and most will also tolerate winter rainfall during the dormant season. All are planted at a depth of between 4 and 5 inches deep, with the exception of E. vandermewei, 2 inches, and thus to prevent frost damage, as frosts can penetrate the ground here to a depth of about three inches. I find it very strange that these bulbs are marketed as being half-hardy only, and that they need a sunny spot. Nothing is further from the truth, as I have found most species to be frost hardy, even those I keep in pots, but further to this they must have some shade at least. All of the above tend to loose water from their leaves, and become limp very quickly if grown in full sun, and especially if grown in pots, and even if well watered. I tell garden visitors here, that I treat them in a similar manner to Clematis, planting them where their roots can remain cool and moist during summer months. Their foliage where to can come through but not be over shaded out by other bulbs or plants, and to the effect that their flowers can be appreciated as they deserve during the flowering period. Indeed, I believe Eucomis could make very good plants for north facing borders, if planted deeply and given a little protection in frosty areas. They rise from the ground in the very late in spring or early summer, thus there is little chance of their buds being damaged by late frosts. Indeed I have found that I can grow them with Gladiolus x colvillei or tristis planted directly around their base, as the colvillei will often flower and dieback before the Eucomis break surface. Horticulturally, Eucomis are becoming quite fashionable, and this recent popularity has lead to the breeding or selection of numerous hybrids. Hybrids are currently being produced both in the UK, Germany, Holland, Australia and New Zealand. The latter, by IBS member, and well known nurseryman David Hatch. It would seem that more and more gardeners are looking for things a bit more unusual and interesting for their gardens nowadays. The ease of propagation has also meant that they can be commercially supplied very easily. A few hybrids offered in the UK are being micro-propagated, and such is the case with Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy', but I often wonder how this might effect the quality of plants offered, as Eucomis can vary even from taking larger leaf cuttings. Eucomis propagate easily from leaf cuttings, and different people have different methods of doing it. I've heard of various methods and these include; 6mm square pieces on agar, postage stamp sized cuttings in water; and my un-technical method of cut the leaf up put it in compost and hope, which usually works if the leaves don't rot off soon afterwards. However, has anyone tried leaf cuttings of E. schijffii or E. vandermewei, I've noticed these rot off quicker, what's the secret? The following is a list of many of the selections that are currently available across the globe. Some may be more widely available than stated. List of hybrids bicolor 'Alba' - UK bicolor 'Stars & Stripes' - UK (New release 2003) autumnalis 'White Dwarf' - UK comosa 'Cornwood' - UK comosa 'Oakhurst' - USA comosa 'Rubrum' - NL comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' - USA & UK * comosa 'Sparkling Rosie' - NZ pole-evansii 'Burgundy' - UK pole-evansii 'Purpurea' - UK 'African Bride' - UK (New release 2003) 'Dark Hybrid' - AUS 'First Red' - UK & Germany * 'Frank Lawley' - UK 'John Huxtable' - UK 'John Treasure' - UK * 'Joy White' - NZ 'Joy's Purple' - UK 'Pink Sensation' - AUS 'Playa Blanca' - NL (Any news of its release will be appreciated) 'Royal Burgundy' - UK (New) 'Roze Selectie' syn. 'Rose Selection' - NL * 'Swazi Pride' - UK (New release 2003) 'Victoria Joy' - NZ 'Zeal Bronze' - UK * Quite a few of the above hybrids have really nice purple, purplish or rose colour rosettes. Of those I have, I have marked the best with an asterisk. I must admit though, I do not have and haven't seen any of the new New Zealand hybrids by David Hatch. UK - United Kingdom USA - United States of America NL - Holland AUS - Australia NZ - New Zealand Photos of some of these hybrids may be found on my website, on the following page. References - Herbertia Volume 55 2000 - one of the best references I have seen regarding this genus. Peter Knippels - Plant Finder UK - Plant Finder NZ - Plant Delights Catalogue -… But Tony, don't try them in mixed drinks, but they're a bit poisonous. But then your not hardy unless you've killed yourself at least three times. (lol) Best Wishes, Dave (Plymouth, UK) Websites: Address: David Fenwick NCCPG National Collection of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe and Tulbaghia The African Garden 96 Wasdale Gardens Estover Plymouth Devon England PL6 8TW --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.507 / Virus Database: 304 - Release Date: 04/08/03