Hi all, I just planted some tiny crinum seeds, not as big as baby spring peas: [bulbispermum X graminicola]. This is a repeat of one done a year ago, which also gave somewhat small seeds. Those seedlings are growing very slowly compared to, for instance, [bulbispermum X lugardiae] or [bulbispermum X macowanii]. I wonder if they will ever reach bloom size? Crinum graminicola is reblooming in containers, and so far I have not gotten any of the three bulbs to set a seed. I'll try cross-pollinating between the graminicola plants this time. I have a very few seedlings, maybe 3, of [lugardiae X macowanii]. I got a few more seeds of this cross again this summer. Most do not germinate. I hope the lugardiae will reduce the size of the resulting hybrids somewhat, and increase the floriferousness. The C. lugardiae I have at blooming size produce three scapes each, and one just produced its fourth of the season. Crinum variabile is listed as one species that sometimes produces offsets, and a couple of my bulbs of variabile are indeed offsetting. I hope to be able to propagate these by offsets, rather than having to go through seed. I think the pollinations I did of bulbispermum pollen on variabile are going to produce a few seed pods (actually "berries" I think). If we have another decent winter, perhaps my seedling bulbs of [bulbispermum X lugardiae] growing out in the field will start to flower next summer. Those in pots are much smaller than their siblings in the field. Pictures are at http://shieldsgardens.com/amaryllids/Crinum.html/ and links therefrom, as well as at pages linked from http://shieldsgardens.com/Bulbs/… Regards, Jim ************************************************* Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd. P.O. Box 92 WWW: http://www.shieldsgardens.com/ Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. ++1-317-867-3344 or toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA Member of INTERNATIONAL CLIVIA CO-OP