Hi Jane, I agree about tree and shrub protection from frost completely, and I use this here to grow Chasmanthe outdoors. Regarding the frost issue I should have said for South African bulbs, as this is what I was implying, and as per Eucomis. Locals in South Africa refer to these sudden cold frosts as Black Frost and they usually occur after rain. Yes we are warmer here in the SW UK, but sudden frosts like this are very damaging indeed and are not the norm. Hence, on east facing slopes, around buildings and under trees they are much less damaging, and of course I was talking about winter dormant bulbs and not ones in leaf. Sorry for any misunderstanding. Best Wishes, Dave Websites: http://www.theafricangarden.com/ http://www.crocosmiaheritage.com/ Address: David Fenwick NCCPG National Collection of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe and Tulbaghia The African Garden 96 Wasdale Gardens Estover Plymouth Devon England PL6 8TW --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com/). Version: 6.0.507 / Virus Database: 304 - Release Date: 04/08/03