Naked flowers

Judy Glattstein
Sun, 03 Aug 2003 09:31:19 PDT
Cyclamen hederifolium produces flowers in August/ September with foliage
following in late September.

The only colchicum I know that flowers together with its foliage is the
strange, spring blooming, yellow-flowered Colchicum luteum.

Many of the autumn blooming crocus lack foliage: Crocus speciosus and its
cultivars for example. The much later flowering C. laevigatus fontenayi,
however, does flower together with its leaves, in December/ January.

Lycoris squamigera sends up pink trumpet flowers in August and foliage in
spring, while L. radiate produces narrow-petalled red flowers with anthers
resembling shrimp-like antenna in September, but foliage follows soon after.

Judy in August-sultry New Jersey

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