At 03:38 7/08/03 -0700, you wrote: >May be a Tigridia, possibly T. dugesii or T. chrysantha. Cypella aquatilis >also is somewhat similar, and C. peruviana is orange-yellow. > Diana, Or maybe Hesperoxipheon peruvianum (or is Cypella peruviana a synonym (or vice versa) for that?). Cypella herbertii is another that is an orangey yellow. Cheers. Paul Tyerman Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9 Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus, Cyrtanthus, Oxalis, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything else that doesn't move!!!!!