"The Bulb Garden"

Ann Marie mysticgardn@yahoo.com
Mon, 04 Aug 2003 14:06:35 PDT
I too received my newsletter on friday, in so california L.A. county 

Douglas Westfall <eagle85@flash.net> wrote:///Marguerite/ EnglishDoug Westfall meenglis@cts.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long
Beach, CA

> Dear PBS members:
> I mailed out the newsletters on Wednesday and Thursday this week, so
> you should be receiving yours soon.

It arrived in So CA on 8/1/03

Doug Westfall

pbs mailing list

Ann Marie Rametta

So. California, San Gabriel Valley, Zone 21 (Sunset Western Garden book) , influenced by both marine and interior air(Santa Ana winds). This makes it perfect for Citrus trees, Lilacs, some tropical plants and most So African plants. 

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