
Tim Eck via pbs
Wed, 01 Jul 2020 18:41:15 PDT
I just got in from three and a half hours of pollinating crinums.
So, these are being grown in Lancaster county PA.  Since these are real
'Mediterranian climate plants and we have wet summers, we get much better
blooming when planting on a slope.  They do like a dry summer and do all
their growing in the winter.  The foliage has died back and won't grow
again until they bloom late August or early September if I recall
My friend keeps the voles out with cages made of quarter inch hardware
cloth, but I have had good luck rolling out half inch hardware cloth on top
of the planting with the edges extending past the planting and letting the
weeds and saffron grow through it.  It quickly becomes invisible.  I
control the weeds by spraying with glyphosate a few times during the
dormancy.  When I moved about twenty years ago I figured I'd see how bad
the voles were here and didn't cover the several hundred bulbs I
transplanted and I got one bloom the second year and that was the last I
saw of them.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 6:55 PM Jane McGary via pbs <> wrote:

> I'm certainly interested in seeing these in the BX. I had only one real
> success with saffron (Crocus sativus), but voles got them, and I never
> managed to find corms that would flourish after that. Tim, where are
> these plants being grown now?
> Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA
> On 7/1/2020 2:54 PM, Tim Eck via pbs wrote:
> > All,
> > A friend is going to take out a saffron bed and I will plant them but I
> > should be able to spare a few hundred offsets for the BX if there is any
> > interest.  (That's meant as a question)
> > tim
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