BX/SX Corrigenda

Jane McGary via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 06 Jul 2020 21:58:39 PDT
A number of items on the latest BX/SX list were slightly misspelled, so 
I've been asked to send this list of corrections.

When  you donate to the BX, please include a TYPEWRITTEN list of your 
items so that the manager does not have to puzzle over your handwriting.

12. Zephyranthes citrina

16. Zephyranthes drummondii

17. Zephyranthes grandiflora

18. Amaryllis belladonna

24. Triteleia hyacinthina

25. Triteleia laxa

26. Triteleia ixioides

27. Dichelostemma capitatum

28. Gladiolus tristis alatus [should that be Gladiolus tristis x alatus?]

34. Bomarea hirtella

37. Hippeastrum harrisonii

40. Veltheimia bracteata

43. Moraea huttonii

41. Tradescantia boliviana

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