An actual BULB topic - Bloomeria crocea

Robin Hansen via pbs
Thu, 02 Jul 2020 17:41:35 PDT
I grow Bloomeria crocea, and love it. It gets a little water in the summer
and like Triteleia laxa and T. ixoides, has been blooming for weeks and
weeks. Astonishing! I've never seen them do so well, so I have to assume
they love full sun, warm, and light watering every day now that they live in
Coquille away from those cool marine temperatures right on the coast . Mine
are still in pots but will go in the ground. I have quite a few bulbs in
this group now, so when they go dormant, I'll try to send some to the
exchange. When planting, stick them where their icky brown dead leaves are
hidden a bit. Mine have bloomed reliably and need very little care. A most
worthwhile bulb for the rock garden or front of border. I'd agree with the
time it takes to flower from seed as I don't try to push them along. Too
many other things to do!!

Stay safe and stay home everybody,

Robin Hansen

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