Here's What I'm Thinking About the Crinum

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Sun, 05 Jul 2020 15:44:37 PDT
It's not like I don't have anything to do, oh no. But after everyone's 
thoughtful, useful suggestions I'm considering that tomorrow I will

Unpot the congested inexpensive 13 inch plastic pot stuffed full of 
crinums. Advantage of cheap pot - if they don't slither out I can cut 
the pot apart.

Rip the root mass apart as carefully as can be managed. May need a 
machete or similar. Repot the largest bulb, all on it's own, in a better 
looking pot.

Plant the next-to-largest bulb at the bottom of the driveway in the 
"tropical garden" where the Sauromatum are thriving to excess. I planted 
a Musa basjoo and a plain green Colocasia down there this year so odds 
are good I will mulch the area.

I will pot up the 4 or so smaller crinum individually with the intention 
of passing them on to anyone who wants one. Not sure of the details but 
it would happen in the fall Be patient right now.

Any comments / suggestions?

Judy in western New Jersey, 2 miles from the Delaware River

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