For the sake of whoever in the future tries to add the listings in this BX to the wiki I have redone it with the corrections from the four people who suggested them and added some additional ones of my own. We don't want to perpetuate misspellings. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Marilyn Pekasky who for many years researched names for Dell and Albert before they sent the listings out. Jane suggested a typed list of offering to be included when you donate, but it seems to me that even better would be an email to Luminita with the names so she could copy and paste them instead of having to enter them. And we donors could make an effort to check our spelling and the latest taxonomy before we hit send. Mary Sue From: Luminita Vollmer<> Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2020 at 2:51 PM Subject: BX and SX 467 To: Pacific Bulb Society<> Cc: Luminita Vollmer<> Dear all Another offering for the PBS Xchange. A very nice collection! Bulbs and Seeds I need to recap again the procedures for obtaining seeds and bulbs. Please follow so I can send them to you expeditiously. 1. Write a new email to the following address: 2. Type in the Subject line *BX and SX 467* - that way I can find all the requests quickly. 3. In the e-mail Include the *Number of the offering * *Botanical name* *Your regular mail/post office address.* International - please add phone number and e-mail. Starting today July 5, 4pm CT - you have until July 9, 5pm CT to respond. I will send the orders with time sensitive items first. Bulbs Mary Sue Ittner 1. Oxalis bowiei 2. Oxalis engleriana 3. Oxalis flava (pink) 4. Oxalis livida 5. Oxalis obtusa MV6235 6. Oxalis obtusa MV6341 7. Oxalis obtusa MV7085 8. Oxalis obtusa (pink) 9. Oxalis pardalis MV7632 10. Oxalis purpurea ‘Skar’ Rimmer deVries 11. Cyrtanthus sp. (evergreen) Chad Cox 12. Zephyranthes citrina James Waddick 15. Crinum bulbispermum ex ‘Jumbo’. see instructions 16. Zephyranthes drummondii 17. Zephyranthes grandiflora 18. Amaryllis belladonna 19. Hippeastrum papilio 20. Hippeastrum 'Dancing Queen' 21. Hippeastrum 'Basuto' 22. Hippeastrum 'Nymph' 23. Hippeastrum papilio Cody Hinchliff 24. Triteleia hyacinthina 25. Triteleia laxa 26. Triteleia ixioides PBS SX 7 27. Dichelostemma capitatum 28. Gladiolus tristis x alatus PBS BX 412 Plants: James Waddick 1. Euphorbia decaryi Mary Sue Ittner Seed: 31. Haemanthus albiflos (short lived seed) 32. Nothoscordum montevidense (flowers twice a year) Chad Cox 33. Hippeastrum aulicum (ex.Telos) 34. Bomerea hirtella 35. Cyrtanthus breviflorus 36. Hippeastrum harrisonii 37. Hippeastrum harrisonii 38. Habranthus tubispathus Michael Lowitz 39. Erythrina caffra - San Diego Zoo cultivar 40. Veltheimia bracteata 41. Oriental poppy - purple color Linda Wulf 42. Aristea major (syn. Aristea capitata) 43. Moraea huttonii - July 2017 J Wong 44. Lachenalia ensifolia (syn. (Polyxena ensifolia)- July 2017 45. Freesia laxa spp. azurea John Bartlett 46. Hippeastrum striatum Marvin Ellenbeck 45. Hippeastrum papilio - 2020 46. Veltheimia bracteata (yellow miniature) - 2020 47. Veltheimia bracteata - 2020 48. Sisyrinchium bellum - Aug 2019 Johannes Ulrich Urban (Uli) 49. Zantedeschia albomaculata 50. Zantedeschia jucunda 51. Tradescantia boliviana 52. Begonia gracilis ( syn. Begonia martiana var. gracilis) 53. Dioscorea discolor 54. Dahlia rosea 55. Dahlia imperialis 56. Dahlia tenuicaulis Cody Hinchliff 57. Cardiocrinum giganteum Francisco Lopez 58. Fritillaria raddeana Rimmer deVries 59. Pelargonium worcesterae, white - May 2020 60. Phaedranassa dubia ( Telos clone ) May 2020 61. Hippeastrum blossfeldiae Good luck to all Luminita, BX-SX Manager Zone 4b-5 _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…