Nick mentioned Sinningia sellovii. I've grown this for several years now, and it's a real favorite. It can be wintered in a cold frame, or if it's grown in a pot, just let it dry out for the winter. Nick, have you tried this one as a garden plant? I mean left outside all year? I'm tempted to try it here in zone 7 Maryland. I'll bet if it were kept dry it would make it. I'm surprised that more general gardeners have not caught on to these tall sinningias. Once they start to bloom, they continue until they freeze. As garden plants they work well in the sort of situations where you want tall salvias or penstemons. Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where Sternbergia lutea apparently did not bloom this year (that's a first, and there are plenty of them), listinfo/pbs | | | | pbs Info Page | | | _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…