Any demand for Drimia maritima?

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Sat, 23 Nov 2019 06:19:37 PST
Lisa asked how long to flowering for Drimia / Urginea maritima. I started by buying one largish seedling in a 1 gallon pot (6" / 15cm across, 7" deep.) I moved it to a 16" / 42cm diameter pot. It took about 10 years after that. Later I bought 3 more seedlings, and put them into pots about 20" / 55cm in diameter. They flowered faster. I concluded the larger the container, the faster the growth.

I just flowered for the first time one bought in a 3.25" / 8cm pot as something else. I moved it to a 2-gallon pot when I bought it. This took about 5 years. But it flowered at a smaller size than the other 4. It was supposed to be descended from material collected in the Canary Islands. I don't know the original locality of the ancestors of my other 4 plants.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA
Zone 9?

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